
Showing posts from December, 2018


For our final project, we were tasked to make a 10 second dialogue. It could have been about anything as long as we focused on the mouth movements and made it as realistic as possible. I think mine turned out great!! I loved watching it come together and after I got the hang of which sounds create which shapes in the mouth, it was all just about putting them together. I really liked the style of this animation I did and have an interest with continuing in dialogue in the future.

Motion Media Typography

For this project, we were back in After Effects, working with typography and motion graphics. I've always had a big interest in motion graphics so this was a pretty cool project to be assigned. For this, I discovered the 3D camera in AE and used this as my animation tool, to try something new. I struggled with it and thought that if I had more time to redo this project that it would have turned out much better, more artistic. I did really like trying something new though, and I love the lion king :)

Bouncing Ball AE

This was the first project we had done in Adobe After Affects. We were tasked to make a bouncing ball interact with an object. I was fairly frustrated with this project because I was not used to AE at all and it took me quite some time to get used to it. Once I got the hang of it, however, I really liked how smooth the animation was. I didn't really like how everything had to be on a new layer but it made the organization of it pretty easy. I'd say I still really liked harmony over AE for animation, but they are each good in their own ways for their own specific things.


For this project, we were tasked with making a character interact with a weight. The whole purpose of this assignment and the challenge at hand was to show some type of strain or struggle, some type of push or pull when interacting with a weight. I chose to do a fish because I thought that it was something different and not just an average human with a weight. I thought it turned out pretty good, but I should have taken the water more into consideration and had the fish look as if it was being pulled by the water after it interacted with the weight. I was still proud of it though, especially because I had been getting used to harmony at that point.